Stars & Actors 2024

Hollywood, Narnia, Hobbiton, YouTube, Pandora and Hogwarts: our star guests come directly to Basel from these magical worlds! We look forward to hearing their exciting stories from the film set and from their everyday lives. Get your personal photo and autograph!

Our hosts

Fabian Degen, Désirée Lehmann, Patrik Wydler

No show without our fantastic stage hosts! Fabian, Désirée and Patrik provide the atmosphere on stage.


Change in the line-up

Graham McTavish, Mahluna, Staz Nair, Kaiji Tang and Declan Shalvey unfortunately had to cancel their participation in FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con again. We very much hope that we will be able to welcome them next year.

Meet our stars live on site.

Don't be shy and say hello!