Please note the guidelines for accreditation as well as the guidelines for content-production before submitting your application.
Ronja Eichler
Media & Communication044 350 12 02
Please send requests for information and interviews in advance to Due to the high demand and the extensive program with limited spatial capacities, it is necessary to check and coordinate requests in advance.
Photographs, film and video recordings may only be made at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con for non-commercial purposes (media coverage). With accreditation, photographers, video and TV teams are permitted to take pictures for press purposes and reporting. However, any commercial or advertising use of this image material is not permitted and requires written permission from FantasyCon AG. Photographing, filming and streaming of stage programs, shows and talks is not permitted.
\n\nFantasyCon AG reserves the right to further verify proof of journalistic activity, even if a press card is presented. Credentials should be presented in German or English. In individual cases, we reserve the right to additionally request the presentation of a valid identity document with a photograph and a confirmation of the order from your editorial office. There is no right to accreditation. After successful verification, you will receive confirmation and further information regarding press tickets.
\n\nApplications for accreditation for FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con can be submitted until May 19, 2025. Unfortunately, applications received too late can no longer be considered. Accreditation on site is not possible.
\n","abstandoben":[],"abstandunten":[],"breite":[]}},{"component":"FormulareBlock","data":{"id":3542,"title":"Forms accreditation","slug":"formulare-akkreditierung","component":"FormulareBlock","link":"/en/formulare-akkreditierung","titel":"Applications for accreditation for FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con will be accepted until May 19, 2025.","text":"Please note the guidelines for accreditation as well as the guidelines for content-production before submitting your application.
\n","dateien":[{"id":853,"name":"FantasyBasel2025_Accreditation_Request.pdf","type":"application/pdf","link":""},{"id":854,"name":"FantasyBasel_Guidelines_Accreditations.pdf","type":"application/pdf","link":""},{"id":855,"name":"FantasyBasel_Guidelines_Content-Production.pdf","type":"application/pdf","link":""}],"linien":[],"download":"Download","files":[{"link":"","description":"No description","name":"FantasyBasel2025_Accreditation_Request","extension":"pdf"},{"link":"","description":"No description","name":"FantasyBasel_Guidelines_Accreditations","extension":"pdf"},{"link":"","description":"No description","name":"FantasyBasel_Guidelines_Content-Production","extension":"pdf"}]}},{"component":"KontaktpersonenBlock","data":{"id":669,"title":"Contact","slug":"kontakt","component":"KontaktpersonenBlock","link":"/en/kontakt","titel":"Any questions?","text":"Please get in touch with us!
\n","kontaktpersonen":[{"id":671,"title":"Media","slug":"anouk-brunner","component":"Kontaktperson","link":"/en/anouk-brunner","bild":{"id":8749,"alt":"","caption":null,"small":"","normal":"","large":""},"name":"Ronja Eichler","position":"Media & Communication","text":"044 350 12 02
\n\n\n"}]}}]}}]}},"page":{"meta":{"title":"Accreditation – Fantasy Basel","keywords":"","description":"","status":200,"translatedPaths":{"de":"/de/akkreditierung","en":"/en/accreditation","fr":"/fr/accreditation","it":"/it/accreditamento"},"logo":""},"content":[{"component":"Seite","data":{"id":66,"title":"Accreditation","slug":"accreditation","component":"Seite","link":"/en/accreditation","beschreibung":"Welcome to FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con!","bild":{"id":12864,"alt":"","caption":null,"small":"","normal":"","large":""},"trennlinie":[],"parents":[{"name":"Press & Media","link":""},{"name":"Press and Media","link":""}],"elemente":[{"component":"TextBlock","data":{"id":528,"title":"Akkreditierung","slug":"akkreditierung","component":"TextBlock","link":"/en/akkreditierung","text":"Please send requests for information and interviews in advance to Due to the high demand and the extensive program with limited spatial capacities, it is necessary to check and coordinate requests in advance.
Photographs, film and video recordings may only be made at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con for non-commercial purposes (media coverage). With accreditation, photographers, video and TV teams are permitted to take pictures for press purposes and reporting. However, any commercial or advertising use of this image material is not permitted and requires written permission from FantasyCon AG. Photographing, filming and streaming of stage programs, shows and talks is not permitted.
\n\nFantasyCon AG reserves the right to further verify proof of journalistic activity, even if a press card is presented. Credentials should be presented in German or English. In individual cases, we reserve the right to additionally request the presentation of a valid identity document with a photograph and a confirmation of the order from your editorial office. There is no right to accreditation. After successful verification, you will receive confirmation and further information regarding press tickets.
\n\nApplications for accreditation for FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con can be submitted until May 19, 2025. Unfortunately, applications received too late can no longer be considered. Accreditation on site is not possible.
\n","abstandoben":[],"abstandunten":[],"breite":[]}},{"component":"FormulareBlock","data":{"id":3542,"title":"Forms accreditation","slug":"formulare-akkreditierung","component":"FormulareBlock","link":"/en/formulare-akkreditierung","titel":"Applications for accreditation for FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con will be accepted until May 19, 2025.","text":"Please note the guidelines for accreditation as well as the guidelines for content-production before submitting your application.
\n","dateien":[{"id":853,"name":"FantasyBasel2025_Accreditation_Request.pdf","type":"application/pdf","link":""},{"id":854,"name":"FantasyBasel_Guidelines_Accreditations.pdf","type":"application/pdf","link":""},{"id":855,"name":"FantasyBasel_Guidelines_Content-Production.pdf","type":"application/pdf","link":""}],"linien":[],"download":"Download","files":[{"link":"","description":"No description","name":"FantasyBasel2025_Accreditation_Request","extension":"pdf"},{"link":"","description":"No description","name":"FantasyBasel_Guidelines_Accreditations","extension":"pdf"},{"link":"","description":"No description","name":"FantasyBasel_Guidelines_Content-Production","extension":"pdf"}]}},{"component":"KontaktpersonenBlock","data":{"id":669,"title":"Contact","slug":"kontakt","component":"KontaktpersonenBlock","link":"/en/kontakt","titel":"Any questions?","text":"Please get in touch with us!
\n","kontaktpersonen":[{"id":671,"title":"Media","slug":"anouk-brunner","component":"Kontaktperson","link":"/en/anouk-brunner","bild":{"id":8749,"alt":"","caption":null,"small":"","normal":"","large":""},"name":"Ronja Eichler","position":"Media & Communication","text":"044 350 12 02
\n\n\n"}]}}]}}]},"popup":null};Welcome to FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con!
Please send requests for information and interviews in advance to Due to the high demand and the extensive program with limited spatial capacities, it is necessary to check and coordinate requests in advance.
Photographs, film and video recordings may only be made at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con for non-commercial purposes (media coverage). With accreditation, photographers, video and TV teams are permitted to take pictures for press purposes and reporting. However, any commercial or advertising use of this image material is not permitted and requires written permission from FantasyCon AG. Photographing, filming and streaming of stage programs, shows and talks is not permitted.
FantasyCon AG reserves the right to further verify proof of journalistic activity, even if a press card is presented. Credentials should be presented in German or English. In individual cases, we reserve the right to additionally request the presentation of a valid identity document with a photograph and a confirmation of the order from your editorial office. There is no right to accreditation. After successful verification, you will receive confirmation and further information regarding press tickets.
Applications for accreditation for FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con can be submitted until May 19, 2025. Unfortunately, applications received too late can no longer be considered. Accreditation on site is not possible.
Please note the guidelines for accreditation as well as the guidelines for content-production before submitting your application.
Please get in touch with us!