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FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con 2024: Visitors from all over the world make Basel the comic capital of Europe

Comunicato stampa: sabato, 11. maggio 2024

The largest Swiss pop culture festival can once again report a record number of visitors for its 10th anniversary. 88,000 visitors from all over Switzerland and surrounding countries enjoyed the extremely varied anniversary program in the six halls of FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con.

One highlight was the overwhelming exhibition with huge fan objects from the "Star Wars" universe. Over 220 Stormtroopers and rebels from all over Europe immersed visitors in a galactic setting that was unique in Europe. Right next to it, visitors could learn a lot about real space travel at various stands and find out about the latest findings from renowned scientists and professors. The Swiss Space Museum displayed a huge model of the James Webb Space Telescope and the latest images from the universe.

Gamers were able to enjoy exclusive presentations: publisher Bethesda also celebrated its 10th anniversary in the large gaming hall with the game "The Elder Scrolls Online". The Nintendo stand also offered exclusives: Game publisher Niantic created its own character in the game Pikmin Bloom especially for FANTASY BASEL. Niantic was also present with specials for fans on the successful online game "Monster Hunter Now". Many gamers enjoyed the direct contact with well-known esports players and the opportunity to compete against them in fun games. Fans of the Youtubers and streamers present, such as Gnu, Reved, iBlali and KingChris, put up with longer waiting times to get a selfie or signature together.

The film stars in attendance from well-known films and series such as Stranger Things, Outlander, Reign and Harry Potter took time for their fans and also generated a lot of enthusiasm with their stage appearances. The fact that the stars love their Swiss fans was also demonstrated by the actress Cara Buono, who did everything she could to come to Basel despite delays in her current filming schedule and was celebrated frenetically by her fans. Other highlights of the festival include Europe's largest cosplay village and cosplay stars from all over the world. Yaya Han, who lives in the USA, is regarded as the 'mother of cosplay' and honored FANTASY BASEL with her presence for the third time. But it wasn't just the cosplay guests who created a great atmosphere; countless visitors came in elaborately designed cosplay costumes and filled the exhibition halls with joy and creativity.

In front of the stands of world-famous comic artists and illustrators such as Frank Cho, Esad Ribić, Stanley Artgerm Lau, Laura Braga or Mike Perkins and the internationally successful Swiss comic artists Enrico Marini, Viktor Bogdanovic and Jared Muralt, there were long queues of fans with autograph requests. The 400 artists in the large-scale Artist Alley were also an eye-catcher. Fantasy fans listened to the presentations by the "Lord of the Rings" illustrator John Howe, the readings by authors Kai Meyer, Bernhard Hennen or Carina Schnell and got autographs of the artists on trading cards from Magic: The Gathering or Disney Lorcana. To mark the 10th anniversary of the death of the Swiss Oscar winner H.R. Giger, a small memorial exhibition was set up. This year, the FANTASY BASEL was also a meeting place for the urban art scene. Artists such as BustArt, One Truth Bros, Oibel1. and many more created large-format works of art live.

As the crowning finale of the festival, the K-Pop Dance Summit on the Mainstage with the best K-Pop dance crews in Switzerland.

FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con will take place next year from May 29 to 31, 2025 again over Ascension Day at Messe Basel. Tickets will be available from October 2024. But fans won't have to wait that long; the same organizers are also holding the ZURICH POP CON & Game Show from October 5 to 6, 2024 at Messe Zürich (tickets are already available from Ticketcorner).

Un paradiso dell'avventura per tutta la famiglia - scoprite FANTASY BASEL con Globi e Rapunzel

Comunicato stampa: giovedì, 25. aprile 2024

Se pensate che solo i fan adulti di giochi, fumetti, cosplay e film avranno pane per i loro denti al FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con, siete lontani da questo. Al contrario, il festival offre anche un'ampia gamma di attività e tanto divertimento per i più giovani.

Le famiglie con bambini e ragazzi possono immergersi nel mondo delle fiabe grazie a un programma emozionante e vivere dal vivo i protagonisti delle loro storie preferite. Ad esempio, i più piccoli potranno viaggiare nello spazio con il personaggio di culto svizzero Globi e ascoltare l'autore Atlant Bieri leggere dal suo libro Globi. Anche il pigro gatto Garfield è rappresentato al festival e ispira con il suo prossimo film in lingua svizzera tedesca.

Foto con Super Mario, la regina dei ghiacci Elsa e Shrek

A FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con, non ci sono solo Luigi, la Principessa Peach e Cenerentola, ma anche supereroi, Stormtroopers e principesse Disney. Talentuosi cosplayer passano ore a creare costumi dettagliati di personaggi di film, videogiochi e fumetti e li mostrano al festival. Tutti i bambini troveranno sicuramente il loro personaggio preferito per una foto insieme.

Un programma emozionante per grandi e piccini

FANTASY BASEL - Lo Swiss Comic Con festeggia il suo 10° anniversario con un numero di ospiti mai visto prima: Oltre alle doppiatrici e agli attori di popolari serie anime come One Piece o di film come Harry Potter, saranno ospiti anche fumettisti e illustratori internazionali, YouTubers e autori.
Tra gli ospiti, Clio Wolfensberger, un'illustratrice di Zurigo che ha disegnato Rapunzel e altri personaggi Disney per il gioco di carte collezionabili Lorcana della Disney.

Ulrich Schröder, invece, disegna da anni i fumetti Disney e le copertine dei libri di Topolino. A FANTASY BASEL disegna schizzi personali per i fan di Paperopoli.

Nella Artist Alley e nel Cosplay Village, artisti svizzeri e di tutto il mondo mostreranno i loro trucchi creativi e i bambini potranno prendere le loro matite nella Family Zone.

Un'intera giornata piena di divertimento e sorprese

Con un biglietto giornaliero, è possibile scoprire gli innumerevoli stand e le mostre presenti sull'enorme area del festival, che si estende su 90.000 m2 , dalle 10.00 alle 19.00. La visita all'evento di venerdì 10 maggio è particolarmente interessante per le famiglie. Venerdì i bambini e i giovani accompagnati da un adulto pagano la metà. I bambini fino al 9° anno di età non pagano. Alle famiglie con bambini si consiglia di acquistare i biglietti a partire dalle ore 11.00 per evitare la fretta del mattino.

Le voci di Monkey D. Ruffy, Ron Weasley e Geralt di Rivia immergono i visitatori nel mondo dei film, delle serie e dei videogiochi

Comunicato stampa: mercoledì, 10. aprile 2024

Alcuni ci ricordano la nostra infanzia, altri ci fanno rivivere i momenti migliori di film, serie e videogiochi: A FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con, saranno ospiti anche note voci di doppiatori che tutti gli appassionati di film, giochi e anime hanno probabilmente già sentito.

Max Felder, un doppiatore che è già stato ascoltato in una grande varietà di film e serie, sarà presente al festival di quest'anno. È stato la voce tedesca di Ron Weasley nei film di "Harry Potter". Ha anche interpretato Jacob Black nella trilogia di "Twilight" e Chad Danforth in "High School Musical". Si è fatto un nome anche come doppiatore nel mondo degli anime: i suoi ruoli includono Eren Jäger in "Attack on Titan" e Sentomaru in "One Piece".

Julia Casper è nota come voce della principessa Zelda nei giochi "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" e "Tears of the Kingdom" e come Aloy nei giochi "Horizon Zero Dawn", "Horizon Forbidden West" e "Call of the Mountain". È anche la voce della giovane regina Elisabetta nella serie Netflix "The Crown". Più recentemente, ha doppiato il ruolo dell'elfo Frieren nell'omonima serie anime per Crunchyroll.

Chiunque abbia giocato a "The Witcher" conosce fin troppo bene la sua voce: Doug Cockle è la voce di Geralt di Rivia dal 2007. È stato premiato con un Golden Joystick Award per il suo doppiaggio di Geralt nel gioco "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt". Negli ultimi 20 anni, ha lavorato come un vero e proprio multitalento in innumerevoli progetti teatrali, cinematografici, televisivi, radiofonici e videoludici.

Altri doppiatori che parteciperanno al festival sono Daniel Schlauch ("One Piece", "High School Musical", "Succession"), Vincent Fallow ("Final Fantasy XVI", "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", "One Piece") e Toni Michael Sattler ("League of Legends", "Final Fantasy", "The Case Study of Vanitas", tra gli altri). Tutti gli ospiti parleranno della loro vita quotidiana nell'industria del doppiaggio in interessanti panel e saranno a disposizione dei loro fan per foto e autografi.

Un programma variegato, tutto incentrato sulla cultura pop

Su otto palchi, per tutti e tre i giorni del festival, si terranno conferenze, workshop e letture con ospiti dell'industria creativa. Per darvi una panoramica dell'incredibile varietà del programma e per facilitare la pianificazione della vostra visita al festival, gli organizzatori hanno recentemente pubblicato il programma delle tappe. Per il suo 10° anniversario, FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con presenterà più star che mai: Oltre a doppiatori e attrici, saranno ospiti sui palchi fumettisti e illustratori internazionali, YouTubers e influencers, nonché cosplayers e autori. Un programma unico di film e serie, giochi e giochi da tavolo, fumetti e anime, oltre a fantascienza ed esplorazione spaziale può essere vissuto in sei padiglioni e su 90.000 metri quadrati. Gli organizzatori consigliano di acquistare i biglietti in anticipo e di ordinarli solo tramite la prevendita ufficiale di Ticketcorner.

Fenomeni di internet come Gnu, Sterzik e Vik e un ulteriore palco del festival a FANTASY BASEL

Comunicato stampa: mercoledì, 20. marzo 2024

Più creatori di contenuti che mai - FANTASY BASEL - Lo Swiss Comic Con ha invitato anche un gran numero di star diverse da piattaforme come Twitch, YouTube, TikTok e Instagram. Il festival presenterà quindi anche l'emozionante cultura pop dei mondi digitali. I fan e i follower avranno l'opportunità di vedere i loro idoli dal vivo, ottenere autografi e portare a casa foto con loro.

Jasmin Sibel (alias Gnu), una delle più grandi YouTubers di giochi in Germania, sarà ospite del festival di quest'anno. Con 1,4 milioni di iscritti al suo canale principale e oltre 560.000 al suo secondo canale "Verspieltes Gnu", ha costruito una grande comunità. I suoi contenuti spaziano dai giochi di genere horror alla sperimentazione dei più assurdi giochi per cellulari.

Con oltre 10 anni di esperienza su YouTube, Vik (alias iBlali) è un veterano della scena. Se all'inizio si è fatto conoscere per i suoi format comici scatenati, nel corso del tempo ha evoluto e adattato i suoi contenuti. Oltre a vari giochi dell'universo Nintendo, Vik ora intrattiene regolarmente i suoi spettatori con contenuti di conversazione reale e di reazione.

Reved è uno dei creatori di contenuti più influenti nel mondo di lingua tedesca. Con la fondazione degli "Stream Awards", ha creato un'importante piattaforma per il riconoscimento dei risultati eccezionali nel campo della creazione di contenuti. Nei suoi stream e video, combina una vasta gamma di formati provenienti da diversi settori, dal gioco alla musica.

Lo youtuber e streamer Sterzik, invece, colpisce per la narrazione umoristica e la recitazione emozionante di giochi sparatutto e strategici.


Cengiz porta ai suoi spettatori il pieno di buon umore e intrattenimento e ispira con il suo personalissimo mix di contenuti.

Le altre star dei social media che partecipano al festival sono KingChris, Kalle, Lara Loft,
Hiro di "Simply Japanese", Ernesto "Erne", Layna e Yvraldis. Parleranno anche
parleranno della loro vita quotidiana di creatori di contenuti in interessanti panel e saranno a disposizione dei fan.

Un nuovo palcoscenico per tutto ciò che riguarda il gioco e le comunità

Oltre a un programma ricco e a un numero di ospiti più elevato che mai, il festival sta ampliando la sua varietà di palchi: il nuovo Gaming & Community Stage offre spazio a contenuti nuovi e diversificati ed è situato nelle immediate vicinanze di espositori del settore degli esports e del game design. Questo offre ai visitatori l'opportunità unica di giocare un round contro creatori e altre personalità note o di guardare i professionisti giocare. Un programma unico di film e serie, giochi e giochi da tavolo, fumetti e anime, oltre a fantascienza ed esplorazione spaziale può essere vissuto in sei padiglioni e su 90.000 metri quadrati. Per l'anniversario, su un totale di otto palcoscenici, si potranno trovare più star che mai.

Le star di "Lo Hobbit", "Stranger Things", "Le Cronache di Narnia" e "Harry Potter" arrivano a Basilea

Comunicato stampa: lunedì, 11. marzo 2024

La star de "Lo Hobbit" Graham McTavish e Anna Popplewell de "Le Cronache di Narnia" visiteranno FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con. I visitatori possono anche aspettarsi di vedere altre celebrità del mondo del cinema e delle serie.

L'attore scozzese Graham McTavish verrà a FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con. È noto per aver interpretato il feroce guerriero nano Dwalin nella trilogia cinematografica dello "Hobbit", Dougal MacKenzie in "Outlander" e Sigismund Dijkstra nel dramma fantasy di Netflix "The Witcher". È stata confermata anche l'attrice inglese Anna Popplewell. La Popplewell ha raggiunto la fama internazionale grazie al ruolo di Susan Pevensie nella serie di film fantasy "Le cronache di Narnia". Ha anche recitato in 62 episodi della serie di successo "Reign". Più recentemente, è apparsa nell'ultimo film della serie "The Conjuring", "The Nun 2". A FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con, i due parleranno del loro lavoro nel mondo del cinema e saranno disponibili per foto e autografi.

Gli appassionati di film e serie potranno inoltre vedere gli attori Cara Buono di "Stranger Things", Staz Nair di "Game of Thrones" e Chris Rankin, alias Percy Weasley, della serie di film di "Harry Potter".

Voci familiari da "Final Fantasy" e "One Piece"

FANTASY BASEL - Anche quest'anno la Swiss Comic Con ospiterà noti doppiatori. Con Vincent Fallow e Toni Michael Sattler, due voci dei giochi di "Final Fantasy" si sono aggiunte alla lista degli invitati. Anche Max Felder, Daniel Schlauch e Kaiji Tang, voci di note serie anime come "One Piece", "Attack on Titan" e "Jujutsu Kaisen", sono stati invitati al festival. Doug Cockle (Geralt di Rivia in "The Witcher") e Julia Casper (Aloy in "Horizon Zero Dawn", Principessa Zelda in "The Legend of Zelda") completano la formazione di alto livello.

Le star dello streaming e i creatori si incontrano

Con oltre un milione di abbonati sulla piattaforma di streaming Twitch, l'influencer tedesca Reved ha costruito una comunità considerevole in poco tempo. Porta regolarmente la sua comunità con sé negli stream IRL mobili e dà uno sguardo alla sua vita quotidiana. Anche la star dei social media Ernesto "Erné" delizia i suoi fan con livestream regolari e gestisce uno dei più grandi canali FIFA in Germania. Di recente ha aggiunto molti contenuti IRL, come tour gastronomici e visite agli stadi. Altre star del mondo dei social media saranno comunicate a breve.

10 years of FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con: Ticket sales for the anniversary edition of Switzerland's biggest pop culture convention are now open


Comunicato stampa: lunedì, 20. novembre 2023

Tickets for the anniversary edition of FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con are now on sale. From 9 to 11 May 2024, the organisers will cover a total of 90,000 m2 thanks to an additional hall. The visual for the anniversary was drawn by internationally renowned star illustrator Stanley Artgerm Lau.

Over Ascension Day 2024, tens of thousands of fans of gaming, cosplay, film, comics and anime celebrate pop culture in all its facets every year. Around 80,000 visitors are expected. A three-day ticket with early access to the festival site and an anniversary merchandise bundle will be offered especially for the anniversary edition.


Star illustrator Stanley "Artgerm" Lau designed the 2024 visual

This year's visual was illustrated by Singapore-based Stanley "Artgerm" Lau. As an illustrator and designer, he works for top brands in the entertainment and gaming industry, such as Capcom, DC Comics and Marvel Comics. His most popular covers include Supergirl, Cat Woman and Wonder Woman. The organisers are honoured to be working with a world-renowned comic artist such as Stanley "Artgerm" Lau for the anniversary visual. Artgerm will be exhibiting together with other national and international artists in the extended comic area of FAN-TASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con. In addition, over 300 artists will be exhibiting in the Artist Alley.


The most diverse programme in Europe

Over the past nine years, FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con has established itself as one of the biggest pop culture events in Europe. The variety of exhibitions and activities is unique and not only inspires niches, but also attracts a broad and interested audience. In 2024, the gaming, esports and board game zones will therefore be further expanded, the Asian food zone will be enlarged and the line-up of content creators will also grow.

A special feature of the festival is the Space Hall, which brings visitors closer to space travel and science as well as science fiction through a varied stage programme. Other highlights include the cosplay competitions and the Cosplay Village, which attract cosplayers from all over the world and make FANTASY BASEL an internationally relevant meeting place. The organisers will announce which star guests from the world of film and series will be attending the festival over Ascension Day in the coming weeks.


Tickets for the festival are now available in advance exclusively via Ticketcorner. In recent years, some ticket categories have been sold out. It is therefore worth making use of the advance sale early on. The organisers also recommend purchasing tickets directly via Ticketcorner and not via resale platforms and planning your journey by public transport.

FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con 2023: così tanti visitatori non sono mai stati qui prima!

Comunicato stampa: sabato, 20. maggio 2023

Il più grande festival della cultura pop della Svizzera ha registrato ancora una volta un'affluenza record di 72.000 visitatori. Giovedì e sabato si è registrato il tutto esaurito. Su 77'000 m2 è stato offerto un programma molto vario. La città di Basilea è stata quindi interamente nelle mani di cosplayer, appassionati di giochi, fumetti e film durante i giorni dell'Ascensione.

Il FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con si è costruito negli ultimi anni un'enorme base di fan in tutta Europa e ha accolto visitatori da tutto il mondo. Star di film e serie come Itziar Ituno (Money Heist), Chuku Modu (The Good Doctor) o Sean Biggerstaff dell'universo di "Harry Potter" hanno deliziato i fan con interventi sul palco, sessioni di autografi e servizi fotografici. Anche molti fumettisti e illustratori fantasy hanno fatto lunghe code di fan per ottenere autografi o un disegno personale.

Anche l'industria cinematografica ha reso omaggio a FANTASY BASEL: visitatori esclusivamente selezionati sono stati tra i primi al mondo a vedere il nuovo film SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE della Sony Pictures. L'evento è stato realizzato nel rispetto dei più elevati standard di sicurezza. "Il fatto che una proiezione così esclusiva abbia potuto aver luogo durante FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con è un grande onore per noi", affermano gli organizzatori.

La cerimonia per l'anniversario della "Swiss Garrison", un'emanazione del gruppo mondiale di fan di "Star Wars", non è stata meno internazionale. I saluti degli Stati Uniti e dei dipendenti della Lucasfilm hanno sorpreso i fan svizzeri. Hanno potuto immaginarsi nel bel mezzo del film in una mostra con enormi oggetti e set di "Star Wars" realizzati dal gruppo di fan ProjectX1. Oltre 200 Stormtrooper, Jawas & Co. erano a disposizione per le foto. Altri punti salienti sono stati la schiera di star internazionali della scena cosplay e le gare cosplay giornaliere.

Nella grande sala giochi, un re LEGO® Bowser a grandezza naturale ha attirato l'attenzione nella Nintendo Zone ed è stato letteralmente assediato come soggetto fotografico. Sono stati presentati gli ultimi dispositivi di gioco e gli ultimi giochi svizzeri. Anche lo stand di Ovation Esports è stato molto frequentato, con la presenza di star dell'esport come Noahreyli e Katoo. La "Creators Lounge" era il luogo di incontro per gli streamer e i creatori di contenuti. I retrogame e i giochi VR sono stati presentati in un secondo padiglione.

Gli appassionati di fantascienza e di spazio hanno avuto a disposizione un programma di prim'ordine sullo spazio e sui viaggi spaziali. Personalità famose come l'astronauta svizzero Claude Nicollier o l'astronomo Dr. Seth Shostak, noto come cacciatore di alieni, hanno tenuto conferenze sullo Space Stage. La mostra interattiva del Museo Spaziale Svizzero, "Là fuori oltre i limiti", ha entusiasmato esperti e famiglie.

Visto il grande successo, gli organizzatori stanno pianificando un'ulteriore espansione. L'anno prossimo, FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con si terrà nuovamente alla Messe Basel dal 9 all'11 maggio 2024. Le prevendite inizieranno a ottobre. Gli stessi organizzatori organizzeranno anche il festival ZURICH POP CON & Game Show dal 30 settembre al 1° ottobre 2023 alla Messe Zürich, che offrirà un programma simile.

Astronauts, Alien Hunters and "Martians" at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con

Comunicato stampa: giovedì, 11. maggio 2023

The diverse program of FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con attracts space fans from all over Switzerland to the Messe Basel from May 18 to 20.

From May 18 to 20, more than 60,000 people will once again meet at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con at Messe Basel. The diverse program around pop culture, movies and series, games, cosplay, comics, anime also allows exciting views into the universe and thus creates a bridge from science fiction to science.


Three-day panel program on the Space Stage

Visitors can expect exciting talks from scientists around the world. Traveling from the United States will be Dr. Seth Shostak, a researcher known as an alien hunter. From Germany, the researcher for extraterrestrial colonization Dr.-Ing. Christiane Heinicke will be there. The geophysicist is developing living and working spaces for the moon and Mars at the University of Bremen. Christiane Heinicke spent a year rehearsing life on a simulated Mars station in Hawaii. With Claude Nicollier, a real astronaut is also on site.

Other top-class speakers from Swiss universities and the ETH will provide insights into their exciting research work. Among those to see and hear are Dr. Audrey Vorburger, an astrophysicist from the University of Bern who is involved in ESA's Juice mission, and Maria Schönbächler, a cosmochemist from ETH Zurich who was hunting for meteorites in Antarctica a few months ago.

Some 150 Swiss scientists from the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS are constantly discovering and unraveling new mysteries surrounding exoplanets and our own solar system. At FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con, interested people will have the opportunity to get in touch directly with researchers from the NCCR PlanetS and the other scientists present and ask questions.


The James Webb Telescope is coming to Basel

The Swiss Space Museum's theme this year is "Out There Beyond the Limits." The museum is bringing a 1:4 scale model of the world-famous James Webb telescope and a large, interactive space exhibit to Basel. Volunteers have spent more than 800 hours working on the faithful replica of the world's most advanced telescope. Also on display are models of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Juice space probe, as well as a remote-controlled Mars rover. In addition to fascinating experiments and interactive experiences for the whole family, the Globi book "Globi in Space", which will be published in the summer, will also be presented - of course Globi will be there live and doing experiments!

Under the title "Treasures of Space Flight," the Swiss Space Museum is also displaying several original historical space objects that have never before been seen in Europe. These include Mercury astronaut Scott Carpenter's survival gear, as well as a science panel from the Skylab space station and the in-flight suit worn by Skylab astronaut Ed Gibson for 84 days in space.


Hundreds of Stormtroopers Arrive

To mark the 25th anniversary of the Swiss Garrison, a "Star Wars" fan group, a large "Star Wars" fan exhibition featuring giant movie props will be held. The organizers also expect over two hundred Stormtroopers in original costumes to parade at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con, accompanied by other visitors from distant galaxies.

FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con is Switzerland's largest festival of pop culture and will take place at Messe Basel from May 18-20, 2023.

Fortnite stars and game highlights at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con

Comunicato stampa: lunedì, 8. maggio 2023

From 18 to 20 May, FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con attracts gaming fans from all over Switzerland to Messe Basel by featuring Fortnite stars, streamers, a giant Bowser Lego figure and classic games.

eSports has experienced a rapid rise in recent years. This is also noticeable in the large gaming and eSports area at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con. International manufacturers will present their hardware and new games, flanked by numerous eSports clans and well-known eSports players. This year, the organizers are especially looking forward to Noah aka "Noahreyli", one of the best Fortnite players in the world. He is currently playing in a duo with the world champion "Aqua" at the "FNCS Global Championship 2023". Also taking part is Kevin aka "Katoo", the most successful Fortnite streamer in Germany. He regularly reaches an audience of millions with his live streams. Both players can be found at the Ovation eSports booth. In addition, numerous other eSports clans will be on site.

Gamers play for entry into European Championship

On Thursday, May 18, the official "Splatoon 3 Swiss Championship" with the popular game from Nintendo will take place live at the festival in the large gaming hall. At this tournament, the best Swiss teams will play to qualify for the final of the "Splatoon 3 European Championship 2023". Switzerland is also ready for international success with its new games: the latest and most exciting Swiss games and game studios will be presented at the booth of the Swiss Game Developers Association (SGDA).

Welcome from the LEGO® king-sized Bowser

In the huge gaming hall there are not only eSports but everything a gamer's heart desires. A LEGO® king-sized Bowser from the Super Mario universe welcomes visitors to the Nintendo Zone and provides a powerful photo backdrop. In the Creators Lounge, around 50 content creators from Germany and abroad will meet for a creative exchange and stream live from the festival. The well-known streamer and cosplayer Anni The Duck from Germany will also be a star guest. In a second gaming hall, exhibitors will offer virtual reality experiences alongside retro games and current games.

Even more game classics: Pokémon GO and Magic: The Gathering

Pokémon GO brings exclusive in-game bonuses for Pokémon hunters to the festival grounds of FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con. With Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons, visitors will also find other game classics in Hall 2, where a large zone for "Pen & Paper", board and trading card games also awaits them. In the comic and book area, visitors will find Seb McKinnon and Ciruelo, among others, who are known for their artwork for Magic: The Gathering.

FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con is Switzerland's largest pop culture festival and will take place May 18 to 20, 2023 at Messe Basel. Tickets are available at

Trekkies, Otakus, Armys, Potterheads & Co. - Why fan cultures are so fascinating

Comunicato stampa: mercoledì, 3. maggio 2023

Otakus celebrate anime, manga and all aspects of Japanese pop culture, dedicated "Harry Potter" readers call themselves Potterheads and the popular K-pop group BTS has a so-called "army" of fans. At FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con, a wide variety of fan groups and communities come together to celebrate the joy of being a fan.

May the 4th be with you

May the 4th be with you; because May 4th is the international "Star Wars Day". "Star Wars" fans can not only celebrate the day on the so-called "May the fourth" but also at the FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con. They can expect a large "Star Wars" fan exhibition with huge movie props, organized by the "Star Wars" fan group Project X1. The scenery will be framed by a large parade of Stormtroopers, Wookies, Twi'leks and other characters from the "Star Wars" universe. The fan group "Swiss Garrison" is part of the worldwide active "Star Wars" costume organization and its members regularly dress up as different characters from the Lucasfilm universe. This year they are celebrating their 25th anniversary.

From a Jawa piggy bank to Commanding Officer

Rafael Tanner is Commanding Officer of the Swiss Garrison and has been a member of the organization since 2015. "What fascinates me about Star Wars is the universe and the well-balanced struggle between good and evil," he says. He came to Swiss Garrison through an event of a higher kind: a Jawa piggy bank. He bought it on a sailing trip in Holland during a stop caused by bad weather, and it inspired him to tailor a Jawa costume, Tanner says. At FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con, he is especially looking forward to meeting friends from all over Europe and fellow "Star Wars" fan groups, and getting to know new people. "FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con is the biggest party of the year for us," says Rafael Tanner.

A Festival for Communities

Communities form an important part of FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con. This year, for the first time, the groups Peramicus and Conversio are taking part. They have recreated the "Diagon Alley" from the popular "Harry Potter" films with two carnival floats. To stay as close as possible to the original, the members even traveled to the original film sets in London. Potterheads and all other visitors can marvel at the Diagon Alley from May 18 to 20 at Messe Basel. The organizers also welcome the Furry Fandom, which are fans of animal figures and mythical creatures with human attributes. They can be found in elaborately made animal costumes, so-called "fursuits". The Itasha community with its anime-style decorated cars and numerous other fan groups and clubs will also be present. Everyone is welcome at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Com, whether as part of a community, as a fantasy fan or out of pure curiosity.

Fulminant K-Pop Dance Show as Festival Finale

K-pop is not a niche phenomenon anymore but has become a worldwide hype. The Swiss K-Pop scene also continues to grow and enjoys great popularity. That's why K-pop can't be missing from the program of FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con. On Saturday, May 20, at 6 p.m., visitors can look forward to a brilliant K-pop dance show as the festival's crowning finale. Five Swiss K-pop dance groups will thrill the audience with energetic interpretations of choreographies by famous K-pop stars such as Blackpink, BTS or Twice.

Friday is Family Day

By the way, Friday is Family Day! Families can expect an exciting, diverse day of programming for young and old and everyone in between. Youngsters up to their 16th birthday accompanied by an adult pay half the admission price. Children up to the 9th birthday pay no admission.

FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con is Switzerland's largest festival for pop culture and will be held at Messe Basel from May 18 to 20, 2023.

The "Inspectora" and "Dr. Jared Kalu" come to Basel

Comunicato stampa: martedì, 25. aprile 2023

The FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con announces the line-up of film stars: "House of Money" star Itziar Ituño and Chuku Modu from "The Good Doctor" come to the FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con. In addition, the visitors expect other actors from the film and series world.

The Spanish actress Itziar Ituño comes to the FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con. Ituño gained international fame with her role as Inspector Raquel Murillo aka Lisbon in the hit Spanish series "House of Money." Before that, she had appeared in numerous Spanish TV productions, mainly in the Basque Country. Also confirmed is British actor Chuku Modu. Modu is known for his roles in the TV series "The Good Doctor," "Captain Marvel," "Game of Thrones" and "The 100." The two will talk about their work on the film sets at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic and will be available for photos and autographs.

They made the costumes for "Avatar"

More active behind the camera are Flo Foxworthy and Sanit Klamchanuan of Weta Workshop from New Zealand. The award-winning company Weta Workshop conceptualizes and produces costumes and props mainly for cinema blockbusters. For example, for "Avatar: The Way of Water," for which the company won an Oscar for "Best Video Effects" at the 2023 Academy Awards. Foxworthy, the head of Weta's costume department, and Klamchanuan will be speaking at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con about their latest projects, including "Avatar: The Way of Water," "Thor: Love and Thunder" and "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever."

Magicians meet superheroes

Actress MyAnna Buring, best known from "The Witcher" as Tissaia de Vries, principal of the Aretuza School of Magic and as Slovak vampire Tanya Denali in "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn," and Sean Biggerstaff, one of the best Quidditch goalkeepers from "Harry Potter," will bring magic to the festival.

Also part of this year's star lineup from the film industry are Ross Marquand, known from "The Walking Dead" and Marvel's "Avengers," Freddie Stroma known from DC's "Peacemaker," "Bridgerton" and HBO's "Game of Thrones" as well as Samantha Alleyne known from various films from the "Star Wars" universe and many more guests from faraway galaxies and virtual worlds.

FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con is Switzerland's largest festival for pop culture and will take place from May 18 to 20, 2023 at Messe Basel.

77'000 m2 of pop culture highlights at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con

Comunicato stampa: lunedì, 17. aprile 2023

One more hall: After last year's record attendance, FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con has expanded to 77,000 m2. From 18 to 20 May 2023, visitors can look forward to a diverse mix of pop culture exciting all film, gaming and fantasy fans in what will now be five halls at Messe Basel.

FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con attracted over 62,000 visitors last year - a new record. This makes the festival one of the largest and most important pop culture festivals in Europe. This requires space. This year, visitors will find a wide variety of pop culture on 77,000m2 in five halls at Messe Basel. In addition to film, series, comics, manga, fantasy and science fiction, they can expect a larger gaming zone and an expanded cosplay area with numerous top-class cosplay stars beeing present.

Anni The Duck and the prince

One of the stars among cosplay, gaming and social media is Anni The Duck. With her entertaining, detailed content and authentic style, she inspires hundreds of thousands of fans on social media. In addition to well-known content creators, visitors can expect an exciting line-up of stars and actors. Already confirmed is Freddie Stroma, "Bridgertons" Prince Frederick of Prussia, "Harry Potters" Cormac McLaggen and "Peacemakers" Adrian Chase aka Vigilante. Further star guests will be announced in due course.

The James Webb Telescope is coming to Basel

The organisers are linking science fiction to science in the large space sector: the Swiss Space Museum is bringing a model of the world-famous James Webb telescope to Basel. Volunteers have worked for over 800 hours on the authentic replica of the world's most modern telescope. Visitors can also look forward to an interactive space exhibition and exciting discussions with scientists from all over the world. Dr. Seth Shostak, a researcher known as the alien hunter who also works for NASA, will be arriving from the USA. From Germany, the researcher for extraterrestrial colonisation Dr. Christiane Heinicke will be present. The geophysicist is developing living and working spaces for the Moon and Mars at the Centre for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity at the University of Bremen.

Hundreds of Stormtroopers arrive

To mark the 25th anniversary of the Swiss Garrison, a "Star Wars" fan group, there will be a large "Star Wars" fan exhibition with huge film props. The organisers expect over two hundred Stormtroopers in original costumes to parade at FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con, accompanied by many other visitors from distant galaxies.

Gamers play to enter European Championship

On Thursday, 18 May, the official "Splatoon 3 Swiss Championship" with the popular game from Nintendo will take place live at the festival in the large gaming hall. At this tournament, the best Swiss teams will compete to qualify for the final of the "Splatoon 3 European Championship 2023". At various stands, everything a gamer's heart desires will be on display, including e-sports players and content creators.

Star illustrator John Howe will be a guest again

Over 300 artists from all over the world will be showing their work in the Artist Alley. Besides many artists from the comic universe, John Howe, one of the illustrators of "The Lord of the Rings", will be back in Basel. The best Swiss street artists will be creating works live on site. Moreover, many other areas of current pop culture can be experienced in the five halls, from action sports zones to tattoo art and virtual reality.

Tickets are already available through See Tickets. It is recommended to buy tickets only through the official pre-sale point and plan to travel by public transportation.

New record attendance at FANTASY BASEL – The Swiss Comic Con 2022

Comunicato stampa: sabato, 28. maggio 2022

Switzerland's biggest pop culture event reports a new record number of visitors.

62,000 people visited FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con from May 26 to 28 in the halls of Messe Basel. Over 450 booths on 70,000 m2, around 350 artists, huge film sets, exclusive exhibitions and an extensive supporting program made the even one of the most important of its kind in Europe.

A special highlight was probably the most famous throne in the world; the Iron Throne from the HBO hit series Game of Thrones, on which fans could have their picture taken. Boba Fett's throne, the control chair from Stargate and other movie sets from the STAR WARS universe created by fan groups also delighted the audience.

Comic artists and cosplayers traveled from all over the world to FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con: among them were Yaya Han from the USA, Tine Marie Riis from Norway, Maul Cosplay and cosplay streamer Anni The Duck from Germany. Around 200 illustrators showed their art in the Artist Alley, including world-famous illustrators such as Luis and Romulo Royo, John Howe (The Lord of the Rings), Disney cartoonists Ulrich Schröder and Ingo Römling, and Basel-based Batman artist Enrico Marini. Other highlights were the cosplay contests on the main stage, where the best costumes and most creative performances were selected.  

The Space Area was larger than ever, with the Swiss Space Museum, the PlanetS research group and other exhibitors spanning science fiction to space travel, new technologies and space exploration. Sci-fi fans met scientists who greatly appreciated this exchange. With Didier Queloz from ETH Zurich was among other experts even a Nobel Prize winner present. Lectures such as "Star Trek and the Future of Artificial Intelligence" or "Learning Physics through Hard Science Fiction" were enthusiastically received by the audience.

The film stars present, such as Dan Fogler (Fantastic Beasts, The Walking Dead), Alfred Enoch (Harry Potter, How to get Away with Murder), Georgia Hirst (Vikings), Daniel Portman and Vladimir Furdik (Games of Thrones), Hans-Georg Panczak (STAR WARS) or Superman Dean Cain, also enjoyed particular attention, with fans lining up for photos and autographs.

Japanese food lovers could indulge themselves in the food zones. The Swiss Mangkas Ban Zarbo and Gin Zarbo were present for an autograph session as well as other talents of the genre. In addition, urban artists from the Swiss and international scene worked live on walls up to 10 meters in size and showed their latest works of art.

In the Gaming Zone, current video games, gaming classics and new Swiss games were played. Also several eSports teams were on site. In the action zone, visitors could not only marvel at wrestlers, but also try out archery, fencing and "pickleball", a new trend sport from the USA.

The mega-event has definitely established itself internationally through its diverse program and is one of Europe's leading conventions for pop culture. The organizers emphasize that the primary goal remains to make the visitors happy and to guarantee the high quality of the program: "FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con 2022 was a complete success. The diverse program can hardly be described in words, you have to experience the festival live. We are overwhelmed by the positive feedback from all sides. We sincerely thank all exhibitors and artists, our volunteers and, of course, the visitors who make our festival so unique and created an incomparable atmosphere once again this year".

The next edition of FANTASY BASEL - The Swiss Comic Con will take place again over the Ascension Holiday from May 18 - 20, 2023. If you cannot wait until then, you may visit the ZURICH POP CON & Game Show from October 1-2, 2022, which will be held by the same organizers.